Saturday, October 26, 2019

“The Deep Love” Chuntianle Self-Composed Impromptu

To My Dear Love and Myself
Chuntianle Impressionism Music Diary:
Music Diary in Fall - The Deep Love
【春天了印象派 即兴原创钢琴曲】深深的爱 秋天的音乐日记

I enjoy writing diary with music instead of writing with words, especially when I improvise the melody on piano. Even if it is not perfect, I am very excited and happy.

The song I release today was originally for October. It describes my feelings. It was a night in late September, I felt deep love. I improved this piece of music on the piano. The melody is very romantic. I call it "The Deep Love." Now, I delicate this song to me as the beautuful memory in the fall of 2019; to my mom, daddy, my loved one, and my dear friends, I love you deeply.
Chuntianle; 春天了;春天;春天来了
Romantic,Inspirational; Heart Song
Self Composed Music原创音乐, 音乐故事
New Power Art
Copyright © 2019 chuntianle. All rights reserved.
Thank you so much for watching this video. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to share it!

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