Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Little Match Girl, New Year Song, New Year's Eve Song piano improvi...

The Little Match Girl, New Year Song, New Year's Eve Song piano improvisation, original song 春天了 Original Music/Piano Improvisation: Chuntianle 春天了 Instrumental 【春天了印象派】The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩 即兴, 即兴原创,即兴钢琴, By Chuntianle 春天了 ...... In the eve Of the year lt was cold And was dark Little match girl Wandered in the snow Bareheaded And barefoot The snowflakes Fell on her hair Lights were shining In New Year's eve In a corner Of two houses She sat down Not at home Little match girl Struck the wood Such a bright And warm flame The roast goose Walked toward her Grandma Please stay with her ...... Maradona Song: 2020 Spring Original List: Romantic, Classical, Inspirational, Heart Song, Relaxing Music, Sleeping Music Self Composed Song, Self Composed Music, original song Love Song, Spring Song, spring New Year's Song 春天了印象派, impressionism, 4 seasons, 春天来了,春天 New Power Art Copyright © 2020 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #Littlematchgirl #NewYearSong #Chuntianle #春天了#NewPowerArt

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