Saturday, March 27, 2021

Strolling Along Song, Looking for Flowers Alone by the River 江畔独步寻花 杜甫 唐...

Strolling Along Song, Looking for Flowers Alone by the River 江畔独步寻花 杜甫 唐诗三百首 歌曲 improvisation music, original song, piano improvisation, spring song, 即兴 Original Music/English Lyrics/Piano Improvisation: Chuntianle Instrumental 江畔独步寻花 杜甫 [唐朝] 黄四娘家花满蹊, 千朵万朵压枝低。 留连戏蝶时时舞, 自在娇莺恰恰啼。 【春天了印象派】江畔独步寻花 杜甫 [唐朝] 即兴原创, 即兴钢琴 By Chuntianle 春天了 ...... The path around Huang Si girl’s house is full of flowers, Thousands of blossoms bend down branches close to the ground. ...... Romantic, Classical, Inspirational, Heart Song, Relaxing Music, Sleeping Music Self Composed Song, Self Composed Music, original song Love Song, Spring Song, spring New Year's Song 春天了印象派, impressionism, 4 seasons, 春天来了,春天 New Power Art Copyright © 2021 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #LookingforFlowers #江畔独步寻花 #春天了#NewPowerArt

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