Wednesday, January 19, 2022

"rainy night songs" | Impromptu Rainy Night | rainy night music | rainy ...

This is Chuntianle. I love spring. I compose music, I am a soprano, I play piano, and I sing spring songs too. I hope my music can bring love and happiness to you in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. I hope you enjoy my music. If you like me or my music, click to subscribe. Remember to turn on the bell. ....... Let’s go out, Put your heart close to the chest of the spring girl; As long as I am with you, My mood will be beautiful! ...... #原创歌曲,#原创音乐 Self Composed Song, Self Composed Music, original song #春天了印象派,#四季印象派, #chuntianle, #impressionism #春天了,#春天来了, #春天, ,#BeautifulSpringGirl #春天了印象派 #美丽的春姑娘 New Power Art Copyright © 2021 chuntianle. All rights reserved.

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