Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Ugly Duckling Story Part 1 by Hans Christian #Andersen #chuntianle A...

❤❤ Best Italian Song: Hans Christian Andersen: Fairytales and Short Stories Volume 2, 1844 to 1847 (Audio Book) by Hans Christian Andersen (1805 - 1875) A collection of some of Hans Christian Andersen's works. Andersen is a Danish author and poet, and he is famous for his fairy tales. THE UGLY DUCKLING STORY Famous Fairy Tales: The Ugly Duckling Part 1 Author:Hans Christian #Andersen Translator: chuntianle Narrator: chuntianle Background Music: Spring Girl Working Towards Me With A Smile (Impromptu/improvisation) Composer: chuntianle Picture/Painting/Video: chuntianle ———————————————————————————————————————————— Best Italian Song: Best poems turned into songs: Original Music List | chuntianle: Original Spring Songs List: Original Summer Songs List: Original Autumn Song: Original Poem Song(唐诗三百首歌曲): Animal Song List: ———————————————————————————————————————————— It was lovely summer weather in the country, and the golden corn, the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked beautiful. The stork walking about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptian language, which he had learnt from his mother. The corn-fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midst of which were deep pools. It was, indeed, delightful to walk about in the country. In a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farm-house close by a deep river, and from the house down to the water side grew great burdock leaves, so high, that under the tallest of them a little child could stand upright. 春天的世界 故事简介 #丑小鸭 作者:#安徒生 翻译:春天了 朗诵:春天了背景音乐:春姑娘笑着向我走来 (即兴钢琴原创)作曲:春天了 照片/绘画/视频制作:春天了 乡村的夏季天气宜人,金黄色的玉米,绿色的燕麦和堆积在草地上的干草堆看起来很美。鹳在他的红色长腿上走来走去,用埃及语闲谈着,这是他从母亲那里学到的。 玉米田和草地被大片森林所包围,中间是深水池。的确,在乡村四处走走真是令人高兴的事情。 在一个阳光明媚的地方,站在一排优美的古老农舍,旁边靠近一条深河,从农舍到水边,长满了巨大的牛蒡叶子,在最高的叶子下面足以让一个小孩子们直立。 …… Relate to 安徒生,丑小鸭,童话,Andersen,Ugly Duckling,ugly duckling song original,ugly duckling song hans christian andersen,ugly duckling song in english,ugly duckling song jay park,ugly duckling don't song,hans christian andersen fairy tales,hans christian andersen movie,hans christian andersen the little mermaid,hans christian memerson,hans christian andersen ugly duckling,hans christian sailboat,hans christian andersen stories,hans christian andersen thumbelina,hans christian,hans christian 33,hans christian oersted,hans christian andersen fgo,安徒生的错,安徒生讲故事,安徒生的剧本,安徒生不后悔,安徒生童话故事,安徒生童话英文,安徒生童话故事全集,安徒生故事,安徒生童話,安徒生童话 雪人,安徒生童话绘本, the ugly duckling book, the ugly duckling (1997), ugly duckling song lyrics, the ugly duckling movie, the ugly duckling song dancing line, the ugly duckling short story, #原创歌曲#原创音乐 Romantic, Classical, Inspirational, Heart Song, Self Composed Song, Self Composed Music,original song #春天了印象派#四季印象派, #chuntianle, #impressionism #Chuntianle, #春天了#春天来了, #春天, #四季歌 New Power Art Copyright © 2019 chuntianle. All rights reserved. Thank you so much for watching this video. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to share it! #theuglyduckling #animatedstory #englishfairytales

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