Saturday, May 27, 2023

"Journal on Small Rock Pond", original music 《小石潭记》柳宗元 〔唐代〕| 钢琴曲,潭中鱼可百许...

Original music, "Journal on Small Rock Pond", original music 《小石潭记》柳宗元 〔唐代〕| 钢琴曲,潭中鱼可百许头,皆若空游无所依| 唐诗三百首 歌曲, Chuntianle, 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Spring Store: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: cherry blossom song lyrics 2023 | cherry blossom song lyrics ————— More New Power Art Music: Beautiful Piano Pieces Playlist: Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 ❤Shakespeare Spring Song: ❤Shakespeare Spring Original Piano Version: ❤A Red Red Rose - Robert Burns: 🔥 20 best poems turned into songs: In Western steps, I found delight, Through bamboo groves, the water's slight. A tranquil pool, where stones reside, Trees and vines, nature's graceful guide. Fish, like spirits, swim in the air, Their shadows dance, unaware. A winding creek, mysterious source, Surrounding hills, a nature's course. Beside the pool, in solitude, A melancholy, hushed, and crude. Yet, I must leave this somber place, With memories held, a fleeting trace. With Wu Wuling and Gong Gu, My brother Zong Xuan too. Accompanied by two named Cui, Shuji and Fengyi, our joyful buddies. 小石潭记 作者: 柳宗元 小石潭记, 从小丘西行百二十步,隔篁竹,闻水声,如鸣佩环,心乐之。伐竹取道,下见小潭,水尤清冽。全石以为底,近岸,卷石底以出,为坻,为屿,为嵁,为岩。青树翠蔓,蒙络摇缀,参差披拂。   潭中鱼可百许头,皆若空游无所依。日光下澈,影布石上,怡然不动,倏尔远逝,往来翕忽,似与游者相乐。   潭西南而望,斗折蛇行,明灭可见。其岸势犬牙差互,不可知其源。   坐潭上,四面竹树环合,寂寥无人,凄神寒骨,悄怆幽邃。以其境过清,不可久居,乃记之而去。   同游者:吴武陵,龚古,余弟宗玄。隶而从者,崔氏二小生:曰恕己,曰奉壹。 白话译文 从小丘向西走一百二十多步,隔着竹林,可以听到流水的声音,好像人身上佩带的玉佩、玉环相互碰击发出的声音,心里十分高兴。砍伐竹子,开辟道路,向下看见一个小潭,水格外清凉。小潭以整块石头为底,靠近岸边的地方,石底有些部分翻卷出来,露出水面,成为水中的高地,像是水中的小岛,也有高低不平的石头和小岩石(露了出来)。青葱的树木,翠绿的藤蔓,覆盖缠绕,摇动连结,参差不齐,随风飘拂。 潭中的鱼大约有百多条,都好像在空中游动,什么依靠也没有。阳光直照到水底,鱼的影子映在水底的石上。鱼儿呆呆地一动不动,忽然向远处游去,来来往往,轻快敏捷,好像在和游玩的人逗玩。 向小石潭的西南方望去,溪岸像北斗七星一样曲折,像蛇爬行一样弯曲,望过去一段看得见,一段看不见。溪岸的形状像狗的牙齿那样参差不齐,不能知道溪水的源头在哪里。 我坐在潭边,四下里竹林和树木包围着,寂静没有旁人。使人感到心神凄凉,寒气透骨,幽静深远,弥漫着忧伤的气息。因为那种环境太过凄清,不能长时间停留,于是记录下了此地就离开。 一同去游览的人有吴武陵、龚古、我的弟弟宗玄。我带着一同去的,有姓崔的两个年轻人。一个名叫恕己,一个名叫奉壹。 —————— 0:00 "Journal on Small Rock Pond", original music 《小石潭记》柳宗元 〔唐代〕 0:03 Liu Zongyuan, one of the great scholars of the Tang and Song Dynasty, 0:08 I composed a piano piece called Journal on Small Rock Pond, 小石潭记 He also inspired me to compose a song based on his famous poem "River Snow."江雪 I'll share it in the pinned comment below. 0:38 In Western steps, I found delight, Through bamboo groves, the water's slight. 1:01 A tranquil pool, where stones reside, Trees and vines, nature's graceful guide. 01:23 Fish, like spirits, swim in the air, Their shadows dance, unaware. 1:45 A winding creek, mysterious source, Surrounding hills, a nature's course. 2:07 Beside the pool, in solitude, A melancholy, hushed, and crude. 2:32 Yet, I must leave this somber place, With memories held, a fleeting trace. 2:55 With Wu Wuling and Gong Gu, My brother Zong Xuan too. 3:25 Accompanied by two named Cui, Shuji and Fengyi, our joyful buddies 4:00: Welcome to subscribe, New Power Art, Chuntianle Related to 小石潭记, 小石潭记 柳宗元, 小石潭记朗诵, 柳宗元 小石潭记, 小石潭记 柳宗元, chinese poem, chinese poem song, chinese poem music, chinese poem song lyrics, chinese poetry song, 古诗词歌曲,古诗词儿歌,唐诗三百首儿歌,唐诗三百首五言绝句, 唐诗三百首五言律诗,唐诗三百首七言绝句, 唐诗三百首七言律诗, 古诗词改编的歌曲,原创歌, 原创歌手, 英文,原创歌曲 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴, 原创歌, 英文, 四季歌,四季, i wrote a song, i wrote a song for you, 原创歌曲 【春天了印象派】 即兴原创, 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 Original Music/Piano Improvisation Self Composed Song, Love Song, Spring Song, spring impression 春天了印象派, 4 seasons, 春天来了,春天 New Power Art Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #chinesepoetry , #smallpond #柳宗元, #小石潭记 #newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle

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