Friday, July 14, 2023

红楼梦 3, Dream of Red Mansions ep 3 eng sub, original musical play, 曹雪芹〔清代...

《红楼梦》 第三回 贾雨村夤缘复旧职 林黛玉抛父进京都 dream of red mansions ep 3 eng sub, original musical play, 曹雪芹〔清代〕| 钢琴曲, spring impression Episode 3 Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle Mrs. Jia passed away in Yangzhou City Leng Zixing talked about Rongguo Mansion 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 1 In an era of intrigue and calculated chance, Jia Yucun, a master of circumstance, Through Lin Daiyu's connection, did he find, Jia Zheng, a path for Ying Tianfu to bind. 2 With Yucun, Daiyu embarked, To Rongguo Mansion, her heart sparked. Yet, her presence stirred her grandmother's woe, A heaviness in Mother Jia's gentle flow. 3 Within the mansion's walls, she came to see, Eldest aunt Xing, Jia She's Wife, Second aunt Wang, by Jia Zheng's side, Li Wan, Jia Zhu's wife. 4 Amidst conversations, a laugh emerged, From the backyard, where whispers surged. "I arrive late, but greet you, dear guest!" A voice echoed, filling every crest. 5 Curiosity bloomed in Daiyu's mind, As silence fell, all eyes aligned. A procession appeared, daughters-in-law in tow, Encircling a woman, radiant in her glow. 6 Embroidered splendor adorned her grace, A fairy concubine in this earthly space. Introduced as second Lian's sister-in-law, "Feng Lazi" jesting, Jia's mother did draw. 7 Daiyu then remembered tales untold, Jia Lian, her uncle's son, love behold, Married Wang Xifeng, second aunt's kin, Their paths entwined, destiny's spin. 8 After the meal, Baoyu crossed his way, A sense of familiarity in their display. In each other's eyes, a unique gleam, Setting them apart, a shared dream. 9 Baoyu, enchanted by Daiyu's mien, Observed her brow, a troubled scene. He coined the phrase, "Frown and Frown," A poetic gift, affectionately shown. 10 Inquiring of jade, Baoyu, sincere, Daiyu, overwhelmed, shed a tear. Her distress unfolded, witnessed by all, A public display, an emotional fall. 11 This scene disturbed Daiyu's soul, Within her, waves of turmoil would roll. In her grandmother's house, she sensed, A world apart, its essence intense. 12 Thus, the day's experience deeply etched, Daiyu understood, her heart fetched, Her grandmother's dwelling, a realm profound, Where mysteries abound, awaiting to be found.  《红楼梦》,原名《石头记》,是中国古代章回体长篇小说,中国古典四大名著之首。其通行本共120回,一般认为前80回是清代作家曹雪芹所著,后40回作者为无名氏,由高鹗,程伟元整理。小说以贾、史、王、薛四大家族的兴衰为背景,以富贵公子贾宝玉为视角,以贾宝玉与林黛玉、薛宝钗的爱情婚姻悲剧为主线,描绘了一些闺阁佳人的人生百态,展现了真正的人性美和悲剧美,是一部从各个角度展现女性美以及中国古代社会百态的史诗性著作。 第三回 贾雨村夤缘复旧职 林黛玉抛父进京都 0:00 红楼梦, dream of red mansions ep eng sub 0:06 In an era of intrigue and calculated chance, Jia Yucun, a master of circumstance, 0:39 With Yucun, Daiyu embarked, To Rongguo Mansion, her heart sparked. 1:10 Within the mansion's walls, she came to see, Eldest aunt Xing, Jia She's Wife 1:50 Amidst conversations, a laugh emerged, From the backyard, where whispers surged. 2:26 Curiosity bloomed in Daiyu's mind, As silence fell, all eyes aligned. 3:11 Embroidered splendor adorned her grace, A fairy concubine in this earthly space. 4:02 Daiyu then remembered tales untold, Jia Lian, her uncle's son, love behold, 4:52 After the meal, Baoyu crossed her way, A sense of familiarity in their display. 5:43 Baoyu, enchanted by Daiyu's mien, Observed her brow, a troubled scene. 6:32 Inquiring of jade, Baoyu, sincere, Daiyu, overwhelmed, shed a tear. 7:08 This scene disturbed Daiyu's soul, Within her, waves of turmoil would roll. 7:58 Thus, the day's experience deeply etched, Daiyu understood, her heart fetched, Related to dream of red mansions ep 1 eng sub, dream of red chamber, dream of red chamber 1987, dream of red chamber summary, dream of red chamber song, dream of red chamber 2010, dream of red chamber opera, dream of red chamber 1977, dream of red chamber movie, dream of red chamber book, dream of red chamber drama, 红楼梦主题曲 原唱, 红楼梦2010, 红楼梦解读, 红楼梦解析, 红楼梦歌曲, 红楼梦 解说, 红楼梦舞剧, 红楼梦主题曲, 红楼梦 小说, 曹雪芹与红楼梦, 曹雪芹, 曹雪芹与红楼梦第一集, 曹雪芹与红楼梦第二集, 曹雪芹与红楼梦第三集, 曹雪芹魂断红楼, 曹雪芹与红楼梦第五集, 曹雪芹与红楼梦第四集, 曹雪芹故居, 曹雪芹生平, 红楼梦第一集 红楼梦第二集 红楼梦第一回 红楼梦第三集 红楼梦第四集 红楼梦第三回 红楼梦第1集 红楼梦第6集 红楼梦第二回 红楼梦第五回 红楼梦第七回 红楼梦第8集 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #红楼梦 , #dreamofredmansions#曹雪芹 #newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle

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