Wednesday, July 5, 2023

红楼梦, dream of red mansions ep 1 eng sub, original musical play, 曹雪芹〔清代〕|...

红楼梦, dream of red mansions ep 1 eng sub, original musical play, 曹雪芹〔清代〕| 钢琴曲, Chuntianle, spring impression, 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 1 In the realm of tales, a writer's art, Unveils a saga, a work of the heart. The first episode, a narrative unfolds, Four events it covers, their stories untold. 2 First, the origin of a fabled book, "A Dream of Red Mansions" its pages shook. Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, entwined, Their marriage, previous, in secrets confined. 3 From heavens high, a stone was cast, Precious jade, abandoned, sky's mend surpassed. Nuwa, the creator, left it behind, At Qinggeng Peak, a stone to find. 4 Journeying on, it met Jinghuan's grace, Shenying's servant, fate interlace. Reborn as Baoyu, the jade found new life, While Lin Daiyu, a crimson bead, shared the strife. 5 Next, Zhen Shiyin, a scholar profound, Whose love for his daughter knew no bounds. In dreams, he saw a monk's rebirth, With jade inscribed, "Tong Ling Bao Yu's" worth. 6 Yet, in waking hours, his daughter was gone, Amidst fires that ravaged, life's cruel con. Disillusioned, he sought solace, serene, Becoming a monk, a world unforeseen. 7 Lastly, Jia Yucun, a poor intellectual, Love for Jiao Xing, his heart did seek. With Zhen Shiyin's aid, he attained success, As an official, his dreams did progress. 8 "Zhen Shiyin dreamed and realized psychic power", A vision of jade, in slumber's hour. From Baoyu's mouth, the jade did appear, As written within the book, so clear. 9 Beneath these tales, deep meanings reside, "Zhen Shiyin" a name, truth it does hide. Concealing secrets, as dreams often do, The author's journey, painful and true. 10 Through life's hardships, his talents unseen, Unfulfilled dreams, his heart's silent keen. But a friend's understanding brought solace and light, And so, this book he penned, his respite. 11 In "Story of the Stone" the author's quest, Revealed in the novel, his soul's unrest. Through dreams and tales, the truth it unfurls, A masterpiece crafted in the novelist's world. 《红楼梦》,原名《石头记》,是中国古代章回体长篇小说,中国古典四大名著之首。其通行本共120回,一般认为前80回是清代作家曹雪芹所著,后40回作者为无名氏,由高鹗,程伟元整理。小说以贾、史、王、薛四大家族的兴衰为背景,以富贵公子贾宝玉为视角,以贾宝玉与林黛玉、薛宝钗的爱情婚姻悲剧为主线,描绘了一些闺阁佳人的人生百态,展现了真正的人性美和悲剧美,是一部从各个角度展现女性美以及中国古代社会百态的史诗性著作。 第一回:甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀 首先,第一回中涉及了四个重要事件: 1、讲述《红楼梦》的来历; 2、揭示贾宝玉和林黛玉的前世缘分; 3、描述甄英莲(香菱)及其父母甄士隐和封氏早年的遭遇; 4、介绍贾雨村的登场。 第一件事是阐述贾宝玉和林黛玉的源起。这部珍贵的玉石是从天上掉落的宝石。因为它具有"无材补天"的特性,女娲将其遗弃在青埂峰的山脚下,它漂泊四方,最后来到了仙子警幻的手中,成为神瑛的侍者。与一株绛珠仙草相遇后,每天为她灌溉甘露。后来,它随一位和尚一同转世投胎到人间,而这个和尚的投胎身份就是贾宝玉,而绛珠仙草则成为了林黛玉。 第二个事件是关于知识分子甄士隐,他有一个三岁的女儿名叫英莲,是他的掌上明珠。有一天,甄士隐做了一个白日梦,梦见一个和尚拿着一块玉投胎到凡间。甄士隐看到那块美玉上刻着"通灵宝玉"四个字。然而,当他醒来后,却忘记了这个梦。不久之后,甄士隐的女儿失踪了,家里又发生了火灾。这些事件使他对人世间感到厌倦,最终出家修行。 第三个事件是关于贫穷的知识分子贾雨村,他经常在甄家串门,被甄家丫头娇杏所喜欢。得到甄士隐的赞助,贾雨村中举成为官员。而"甄士隐梦幻识通灵"指的是甄士隐在梦中看到并认识了通灵宝玉,而这块宝玉便是贾宝玉出生时从口中吐出的那块玉。这是书中所述。 此外,在这一回中还隐藏着许多深层含义。"甄士隐"谐音为"真事隐"。在本回开头,作者表达了自己隐藏真相并借用它的意图。他说:“在经历了一个梦之后,我隐藏了真相并借了它,通灵者说这本《石头记》也是;故名‘甄士隐’,云韵。”这句话不容易解释,意味着作者经历了人生的坎坷、痛苦和曲折,才华未被赏识,理想未能实现。幸运的是,他的闺中密友明白他、关爱他,给予他一些安慰。因此,他写出了这样一部作品。 总之,第一回中的四个事件揭示了《红楼梦》的起源、贾宝玉和林黛玉的前世姻缘、甄英莲和她父母甄士隐、封氏早年的遭遇,以及贾雨村的出场。这些事件背后蕴含着丰富的意义和隐喻,展示了作者的心路历程和对人生的感悟。 0:00 红楼梦, dream of red mansions ep eng sub 0:39 First, the origin of a fabled book, "A Dream of Red Mansions" its pages shook. 2:26 Next, Zhen Shiyin, a scholar profound, Whose love for his daughter knew no bounds. 3:11 Yet, in waking hours, his daughter was gone, Amidst fires that ravaged, life's cruel con. 4:02 Lastly, Jia Yucun, a poor intellectual, Love for Jiao Xing, his heart did seek. 4:54 "Zhen Shiyin dreamed and realized psychic power", A vision of jade, in slumber's hour. Related to dream of red mansions ep 1 eng sub, dream of red chamber, dream of red chamber 1987, dream of red chamber summary, dream of red chamber song, dream of red chamber 2010, dream of red chamber opera, dream of red chamber 1977, dream of red chamber movie, dream of red chamber book, dream of red chamber drama, 红楼梦, 红楼梦主题曲 原唱, 红楼梦2010, 红楼梦解读, 红楼梦第一集, 红楼梦解析, 红楼梦歌曲, 红楼梦 解说, 红楼梦舞剧, 红楼梦主题曲, 红楼梦 小说, 曹雪芹与红楼梦, 曹雪芹, 曹雪芹与红楼梦第一集, 曹雪芹与红楼梦第二集, 曹雪芹与红楼梦第三集, 曹雪芹魂断红楼, 曹雪芹与红楼梦第五集, 曹雪芹与红楼梦第四集, 曹雪芹故居, 曹雪芹生平, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #红楼梦 , #dreamofredmansions#曹雪芹 #newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle

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