Thursday, September 28, 2023

Ticking, ticking, I miss you when it rains,The times we shared, does you...

I composed piano music: Ticking, ticking, I Miss You When It Rains, The Times We Shared, Does Your Memory Still Remain? 下雨时我想你, Original Music by Chuntianle, Original Piano Music,钢琴曲 Beautiful piano music. 钢琴曲,春天,春天印象,spring impression Composed/performed/ English By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Famous Painting Music: 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist:A 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 0:00 Ticking, ticking, I miss you when it rains, 1:49 Is rain falling where you stay? 4:36 I dream of walking 'neath one shared umbrella, 7:44 Though distance parts us, my love remains strong, Relate to i miss you when i can't sleep, i miss you when you're gone, i miss you when the lights go out, i miss you when it rains, i miss you when i'm gone, i miss you when i wake up in the morning, i miss you when i see the sun, miss you when you're gone, miss you when i'm gone, miss you when i'm breathing, miss you when it rains, miss you when you gone, miss you when i can't sleep, miss you when you're gone lyrics, miss you when i close my eyes, rain song, rain music beautiful heart song, beautiful heart touching song, beautiful heart drawing, beautiful heart music, beautiful my heart, beautiful my heart song, lovely heart music, love music romantic, love music playlist, love music instrumental, love music, love music type beat, love music song, love musiq, love music video, love music travel, love story music, love story fingerstyle, love story piano, love story music video, gentle water flowing, art and music, self composed piano music, self composed guitar song, self composed poem on music, self composed speech, self composed song english, self composed poetry on music, self composed poem on i am blessed, self composed english poem, self composed poem on earth day, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #imissyou #下雨时我想你#rainyday #springmusic #春天印象 #impressionmusic#pianomusic#春天了#秋天来了 #springimpression

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