Thursday, August 31, 2023

A Dream of Golden Millet.《玉茗堂四梦 邯郸记 黄粱梦》汤显祖 (明朝) , learn Chinese Cultur...

《玉茗堂四梦 邯郸记 黄粱梦》,临川四梦, A Dream of Golden Millet.《玉茗堂四梦 邯郸记 黄粱梦》汤显祖 (明朝), learn Chinese Culture from music learn Chinese Culture from music, original musical play,钢琴曲, spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 玉茗堂四梦 ,又称"临川四梦"是指《牡丹亭》(又名《还魂记》)、《紫钗记》、《邯郸记》、《南柯记》这四个戏剧的合集。前两个戏剧属于儿女情缘题材,而后两个则涉及官场现实和政治问题。 八仙之一的吕洞宾,化身凡间前来寻找一个人,以取代何仙姑,执行天门扫花的使命。在邯郸的一家客店,他遇见了一个名叫卢生的书生,他怀抱着对仕途和功名的渴望,于是吕洞宾启发了他。吕洞宾使用一枚有法力的枕头引导卢生进入梦境。在梦中,卢生经历了婚姻、仕途、贬谪、荣誉、指挥军队、刻石勒功、封官、受谄媚、承担罪责、昭雪、复官、享受乐趣,直至终老。这一系列经历让他感到无悔即将死去,但在梦醒之际,他才认识到一切都是虚幻。因此,他开始觉悟,追随吕洞宾学习仙术,最终升入天界,担任扫花人的职责。 0:00 A Dream of Golden Millet.《玉茗堂四梦 邯郸记 黄粱梦》汤显祖 0:15 In Eight Immortals' world, Lü Dongbin descends, To find a mortal for a celestial quest; 1:05 In an inn at Handan, fate takes its course, A scholar named Lu Sheng, ambition ablaze; 1:50 Through dreams, Lu Sheng journeys a lifetime, Wedding and glory, then fall from grace; 2:40 Stone-carved triumphs on high, A legacy built with both might and guile; 3:30 As he awakens, the illusion dissolves, Life's fleeting nature, the truth now he sees; Related to 邯郸梦故事, 邯郸梦 古今同, 黄粱梦, 黄粱梦故事, 黄粱梦醒, 黄粱梦里, 黄粱一梦, 黄粱一梦20年, 黄粱美梦, 黄粱一梦皆成灰, 黄粱一梦 故事, 黄粱一场梦, 黄粱一梦 成语, 黄粱, 南柯记, 南柯记大意, 南柯记 大纲, 南柯记 故事, 汤显祖《牡丹亭》, 汤显祖, 汤显祖 牡丹亭, 汤显祖 四梦, 汤显祖 作品, 汤显祖 紫钗记, 汤显祖 牡丹亭 游园, 汤显祖生平, 汤显祖 忘川, 南柯梦, 南柯梦 昆曲, 南柯梦梦南柯, 聊斋 画皮, 聊斋 镜听, 聊齋誌異, 聊齋畫壁, 聊齋怪談, 聊齋志異, 聊齋先生, 聊齋tvb, 聊齋主題曲, 聊齋故事, 聊齋 珠兒, 聊齋 翩翩, 聊齋誌異 聊齋志異 聊齋誌異 羅剎海市, 聊齋誌異羅剎國, 聊齋志異 羅剎海市, 聊斋志异, 聊斋, 聊斋画壁, 聊斋志异罗刹海市, 聊斋故事, 聊斋3, 聊斋主题曲, 聊斋罗刹海市, 聊斋新编, 聊斋2, 聊斋画壁2023, 刀郎 珠儿, liao zhai movie, liao zhai, liao zhai zhi yi, liao zhai song, ghost story audiobook, ghost story, ghost story song, ghost story movie, ghost story real, ghost story piano, ghost story piano chords, scary story piano music, horror story piano, chinese ghost story piano, ghost stories piano chase, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #南柯记 #南柯梦#汤显祖#邯郸记#黄粱梦#玉茗堂四梦#newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle #springimpression

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

A Dream Under the Southern Bough.《玉茗堂四梦 南柯记》汤显祖 (明朝) , learn Chinese Cu...

《玉茗堂四梦 南柯记》汤显祖 (明朝) ,A Dream Under the Southern Bough。learn Chinese Culture from musiclearn Chinese Culture from music, original musical play,钢琴曲,spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 玉茗堂四梦 ,又称"临川四梦"是指《牡丹亭》(又名《还魂记》)、《紫钗记》、《邯郸记》、《南柯记》这四个戏剧的合集。前两个戏剧属于儿女情缘题材,而后两个则涉及官场现实和政治问题。 唐代游侠淳于棼的经历。他因酒失去职位,与豪士在槐树下饮酒。听闻国王女儿挑婿,三蝼蚁化身为美女,选中淳于棼。他被选为驸马,管理南柯郡。权贵的嫉妒导致他被陷害,失去一切。他经历奇幻梦境后领悟真相,最终成佛。 0:00 A Dream Under the Southern Bough.《玉茗堂四梦 南柯记》汤显祖 (明朝) 0:15 In the Tang dynasty, a wanderer bold, Chunyu Fen, stories to be told. 1:05 News arrived of royal kin, A princess's groom, their tale did spin. 1:50 Chosen then to be the Prefect, Overseeing Southern Bough with a steady stride. 2:40 Through surreal trials, he did tread, Dreams and visions, like stories spread. 3:30 Through the journey's twists and turns, Enlightenment within him burns. Related to 南柯记, 南柯记大意, 南柯记 大纲, 南柯记 故事, 汤显祖《牡丹亭》, 汤显祖, 汤显祖 牡丹亭, 汤显祖 四梦, 汤显祖 作品, 汤显祖 紫钗记, 汤显祖 牡丹亭 游园, 汤显祖生平, 汤显祖 忘川, 聊斋 画皮, 聊斋 镜听, 聊齋誌異, 聊齋畫壁, 聊齋怪談, 聊齋志異, 聊齋先生, 聊齋tvb, 聊齋主題曲, 聊齋故事, 聊齋 珠兒, 聊斋片头曲, 聊齋 翩翩, 聊齋誌異 聊齋志異 聊齋誌異 羅剎海市, 聊齋誌異羅剎國, 聊齋志異 羅剎海市, 聊齋誌異之胭脂, 聊齋誌異 嬰寧, 聊齋志異 畫皮, 聊斋志异, 聊斋, 聊斋画壁, 聊斋志异罗刹海市, 聊斋故事, 聊斋3, 聊斋主题曲, 聊斋罗刹海市, 聊斋新编, 聊斋2, 聊斋画壁2023, 刀郎 珠儿, liao zhai movie, liao zhai, liao zhai zhi yi, liao zhai new compilation, liao zhai fox spirit, liao zhai fox spirit trailer, liao zhai qi nu zi, liao zhai fox, liao zhai song, ghost story audiobook, ghost story, ghost story song, ghost story movie, ghost story real, ghost story piano, ghost story piano chords, scary story piano music, horror story piano, chinese ghost story piano, ghost stories piano chase, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #南柯记 #南柯梦#汤显祖#聊斋志异#聊斋故事#聊斋#newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle #springimpression

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Mirror Listening,《聊斋志异》之《镜听》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了。learn Chinese Culture from music

《聊斋志异》之《镜听》,Go cool off, Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了。learn Chinese Culture from music, original musical play,钢琴曲,spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 蒲松龄以自身经历为蓝本,将现实元素融入《聊斋志异》故事中,尽管有人认为作品充满神秘幻境,但似乎透露了蒲松龄的一些情感。这些聊斋小说满足了人们关于人与鬼、情感未了的幻想。 山东益都县的郑兄弟,都是读书人。大哥备受宠爱,父母偏心,大嫂也受宠;而二哥名声较差,父母不待见,连嫂嫂都不被看好。二哥嫂劝他努力,不与其同寝。他奋发图强,终出名,父母稍欣赏。二哥嫂渴望丈夫成功,在除夕用镜占卜。听到两人的玩笑话后,她也去凉快了。后来,大哥考中举人,婆婆告诉大嫂可以休息了。而二哥嫂气愤难过,却坚持做饭。不久,二哥也考中了,二哥嫂愤怒地说:“我也去凉快!”她后来意识到这话应验了占卜的结果。 0:00 《聊斋志异》之《镜听》,Mirror Listening, 刀郎让蒲松齡又火了 0:11 In a land where the Zheng brothers reside, Scholars both, with pens that eloquently glide. 1:05 To his wife, they bestowed great grace, A cherished presence in their embrace. 1:50 Unequal treatment sowed seeds of discord, Wives' hearts divided, harmony ignored. 2:40 "Be a man, stand tall," she cried, "Claim your worth, don't let it hide." 3:30 Stung by his kin, the younger did rise, In pursuit of greatness, he reached the skies. 4:20 Desiring her husband's name to ascend, The second’s wife sought fate as her friend. 5:10 Dawn unveiled two souls in jest, Words exchanged, a playful fest. 6:00 Exams ended, the brothers returned, Kitchen fires blazed, as ardor churned. 6:50 A messenger arrived, heralding the news, Elder's triumph, a victory to enthuse. 7:40 Tears and anger in the younger's chest, Cooking and weeping, a soul distressed. 8:30 "Go cool off," she proclaimed anew, Unwittingly, the words rang true. 1050 Within the family's embrace, let warmth reside, Not in disparity should love be applied. Related to 聊斋 镜听 聊齋 珠兒 聊斋片头曲, 聊齋 翩翩, 聊斋志异, 聊斋, 聊斋画壁, 聊斋志异罗刹海市, 聊斋故事, 聊斋3, 聊斋主题曲, 聊斋罗刹海市, 聊斋新编, 聊斋2, 聊斋画壁电影, 聊斋画壁3, 聊斋画壁主题曲, 聊斋画壁片尾曲, 聊斋画壁2023, 刀郎 珠儿, 刀郎 珠儿 解读, 刀郎 珠儿 歌词, liao zhai movie, liao zhai, liao zhai zhi yi, liao zhai new compilation, liao zhai fox spirit, liao zhai fox spirit trailer, liao zhai qi nu zi, liao zhai fox, liao zhai song, ghost story audiobook, ghost story, ghost story song, ghost story movie, ghost story real, ghost story piano, ghost story piano chords, scary story piano music, horror story piano, chinese ghost story piano, ghost stories piano chase, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #聊斋镜听 #,#蒲松龄#聊斋志异#聊斋故事#聊斋#newpowerart,镜听 #春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Saturday, August 26, 2023

《聊斋志异》之《珠儿》,Zhu'er ,Rebirth Through Borrowed Form, 刀郎让蒲松齡又火了。learn Chine...

Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio,《聊斋志异》之《珠儿》,Zhu'er ,Rebirth Through Borrowed Form, 刀郎让蒲松齡又火了。learn Chinese Culture from music, original musical play,钢琴曲,spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 蒲松龄以自身经历为蓝本,将现实元素融入《聊斋志异》故事中,尽管有人认为作品充满神秘幻境,但似乎透露了蒲松龄的一些情感。这些聊斋小说满足了人们关于人与鬼、情感未了的幻想。 故事发生在江苏常州,富翁李化家,有个女儿小惠。小惠不幸早逝,家中变得冷清。李化纳婢为妾,生下儿子珠儿,虽然珠儿聪明但生性痴呆。有一化缘的瞎和尚到城里,能测人隐私,让人信以为真。和尚向李化索要钱,李化不满,后来珠儿突发疾病。李化求和尚救珠儿,和尚嘲笑李化无能为力。珠儿最终死去,李化怒告和尚,将其打死。珠儿鬼魂归来,与家人交流,一时复活,但之后又离世。李化得病,珠儿指示用火治疗,李化病愈。珠儿长大后有奇异能力,但因揭秘而遭到惩罚,此后不再言及阴间之事。 0:00 《聊斋志异》之《翩翩》,Zhu'er ,Rebirth Through Borrowed Form, 刀郎让蒲松齡又火了 0:11 In Jiangsu's land, where Changzhou lies, Lived wealthy Li Hua, under open skies. 1:05 He had a daughter, fair as dawn's embrace, Named Xiao Hui, with beauty's grace. 1:50 An emptiness echoed, the home once bright, Silent halls, shadows of fading light. 2:40 Zhu‘er grew strong, a handsome lad, Yet in his mind, a fogged-up pad. 3:30 Then came a monk, a seer and sage, Claiming powers beyond human beings. 4:20 Li Hua resisted, a hundred coins asked, But the monk scoffed, demanded the last. 5:10 Li Hua pleaded, coins in hand, The monk's cold heart, could he withstand? 6:00 Li Hua's rage ignited, justice sought, The monk arrested, a trial was brought. 6:50 Zhu'er's spirit returned, a ghostly kin, Revealing secrets, truths from within. 7:40 Li Hua's ailment, a waning flame, A remedy found, illness tamed. 8:30 A tale of mystery, life's tangled skein, Of family ties that death can't drain. Related to 聊斋片头曲, 聊齋 翩翩, 聊斋志异, 聊斋, 聊斋画壁, 聊斋志异罗刹海市, 聊斋故事, 聊斋3, 聊斋主题曲, 聊斋罗刹海市, 聊斋新编, 聊斋2, 聊斋画壁电影, 聊斋画壁3, 聊斋画壁主题曲, 聊斋画壁片尾曲, 聊斋画壁2023, 刀郎 珠儿, 刀郎 珠儿 解读, 刀郎 珠儿 歌词, liao zhai movie, liao zhai, liao zhai zhi yi, liao zhai new compilation, liao zhai fox spirit, liao zhai fox spirit trailer, liao zhai qi nu zi, liao zhai fox, liao zhai song, ghost story audiobook, ghost story, ghost story song, ghost story movie, ghost story real, ghost story piano, ghost story piano chords, scary story piano music, horror story piano, chinese ghost story piano, ghost stories piano chase, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #聊斋珠儿 #珠儿#蒲松龄#聊斋志异#聊斋故事#聊斋#newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Friday, August 25, 2023

Fairy Pianpian,《聊斋志异》之《翩翩》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了。learn Chinese Culture from music

Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio,Fairy Pianpian,《聊斋志异》之《翩翩》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了。learn Chinese Culture from music, original musical play,钢琴曲,spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 蒲松龄以自身经历为蓝本,将现实元素融入《聊斋志异》故事中,尽管有人认为作品充满神秘幻境,但似乎透露了蒲松龄的一些情感。这些聊斋小说满足了人们关于人与鬼、情感未了的幻想。 在《聊斋志异》中,有位名叫翩翩的仙女。故事讲述了富家子罗生挥霍财产,生病沦为乞丐。善良的翩翩怜悯他,用溪水疗愈他的病,用树叶缝制锦衣。罗生感悟,与翩翩成为伴侣,育有一子。然而,他明白亲情的重要,决定带着儿子回人世。这个故事强调了改变、爱与家庭的价值,以及对亲情的认识。 0:00 Fairy Pianpian,《聊斋志异》之《翩翩》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了 0:11 In Binzhou's tale, young Luo Zifu endured, Orphaned, his fate uncertain, obscure. 1:05 As years flew by, fourteen and naive, Vice's allure led him to deceive. 1:50 Together they fled, leaving behind, Hometown and morals, a past confined. 2:40 Laughter turned to scorn, as sores appeared, Chased from the brothel, his fate was seared. 3:30 Westward he wandered, seeking a new dawn, Traveling each day, the distance withdrawn. 4:20 Twilight's embrace brought an unexpected fate, A woman approached, beauty innate. 5:10 A stream, a bridge, and a stone-laden path, An ancient dwelling, where light never hath. 6:00 Leafy robes she wove, with skilled care, Threads of healing, a burden to bear. 6:50 A stranger's arrival, a playful jest, A fleeting touch, a moment's zest. 7:40 Her laughter, his desires, a dance they knew, Entwined in mirth, feelings anew. 8:30 As seasons shifted, autumn's chill did tell, Leaves in her hands, a spell to dispel. 9:20 A year had passed, a son now graced their fold, Bright-eyed and clever, a story to be told. 10:10 Fourteen winters, youth now matured, Two families united, their lives secured. 11:00 Luo Daye, aging, thought kin was lost, Yet fate played its hand, at a great cost. 11:50 With memories etched, his journey complete, Home and love, in each heart's beat. Related to 聊斋志异, 聊斋, 聊斋画壁, 聊斋志异罗刹海市, 聊斋故事, 聊斋3, 聊斋主题曲, 聊斋罗刹海市, 聊斋新编, 聊斋2, 聊斋画壁电影, 聊斋画壁3, 聊斋画壁主题曲, 聊斋画壁片尾曲, 聊斋画壁2023, 刀郎翩翩, 刀郎翩翩解读, 刀郎翩翩歌词解析, liao zhai movie, liao zhai, liao zhai zhi yi, liao zhai new compilation, liao zhai fox spirit, liao zhai fox spirit trailer, liao zhai qi nu zi, liao zhai fox, liao zhai song, ghost story audiobook, ghost story, ghost story song, ghost story movie, ghost story real, ghost story piano, ghost story piano chords, scary story piano music, horror story piano, chinese ghost story piano, ghost stories piano chase, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #聊斋翩翩, #翩翩#蒲松龄#聊斋志异#聊斋故事#聊斋#newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Girl in Mural,《聊斋志异》之《画壁》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了。learn Chinese Culture from music

Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio,Girl in Mural,《聊斋志异》之《画壁》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了。learn Chinese Culture from music, original musical play,钢琴曲,spring impression Celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day with “Flower Fairy Music”,七夕节, Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 蒲松龄以自身经历为蓝本,将现实元素融入《聊斋志异》故事中,尽管有人认为作品充满神秘幻境,但似乎透露了蒲松龄的一些情感。这些聊斋小说满足了人们关于人与鬼、情感未了的幻想。 孟龙潭和朱举人来到一座寺庙,遇见了一个充满幻觉的境界。在壁画中,朱举人被少女吸引,仿佛置身其中。然而,现实的铁甲战士打破了这一切,迫使他们回到了现实。他们离开时,深感幻觉与现实的微妙界限。 "Embrace the magic of Qixi Festival, the Chinese Valentine's Day. Celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, it's a day of love, romance, and heartfelt connections. Join in honoring the fabled tale of Cowherd and Weaver, Magpie Bridge and hearts unite. 又称中国情人节,每年农历七月初七。传说牛郎织女在这天相会,鹊桥相助。人们赏星、许愿,表达爱情和思念。七夕是浪漫的日子,让我们怀念古老传说,让爱在星空下闪耀。 七夕节又称“牛郎织女节”,这一天,人们偷听牛郎织女天河夜话。姑娘们则会在夜里向织女许愿乞求心灵手巧,故称“乞巧”。 0:00 Girl in Mural,《聊斋志异》之《画壁》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了 0:11 Meng Longtan and Zhu, scholars with grace, In a temple, they wandered, time's fleeting embrace. 1:05 On murals and statues, their eyes did grace, Captured in beauty, time's intricate lace. 1:50 In a mural's dimension, their souls took chase, Love blossomed freely, in an ephemeral place. 2:40 The maiden concealed him, hurried away, Under the bed's shelter, Zhu held breaths in darkness. 3:30 Meng Longtan queried, where his friend complies, The monk's smile explained, illusions that ties. 4:23 They left the illusion, reality's reprise, Descended with thoughts that would forever comprise. Related to 聊斋志异, 聊斋, 聊斋画壁, 聊斋志异罗刹海市, 聊斋故事, 聊斋3, 聊斋主题曲, 聊斋罗刹海市, 聊斋新编, 聊斋2, 聊斋画壁电影, 聊斋画壁3, 聊斋画壁主题曲, 聊斋画壁片尾曲, 聊斋画壁2023, liao zhai movie, liao zhai, liao zhai zhi yi, liao zhai new compilation, liao zhai fox spirit, liao zhai fox spirit trailer, liao zhai qi nu zi, liao zhai fox, liao zhai song, ghost story audiobook, ghost story, ghost story song, ghost story movie, ghost story real, ghost story piano, ghost story piano chords, scary story piano music, horror story piano, chinese ghost story piano, ghost stories piano chase, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #画壁 , #牡丹花妖#蒲松龄#聊斋志异#聊斋故事#聊斋#newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Chinese Valentine’s Day Song: “A Fall Night”,七夕,杜牧,七夕节。牛郎织女节,银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小...

Chinese Valentine’s Day Song: “A Fall Night”,七夕,杜牧,七夕节。牛郎织女节,银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤。天阶夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星。The Most Beautiful Love in the World, original musical play, 钢琴曲, spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 "Embrace the magic of Qixi Festival, the Chinese Valentine's Day. Celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, it's a day of love, romance, and heartfelt connections. Join in honoring the fabled tale of Cowherd and Weaver, Magpie Bridge and hearts unite. 又称中国情人节,每年农历七月初七。传说牛郎织女在这天相会,鹊桥相助。人们赏星、许愿,表达爱情和思念。七夕是浪漫的日子,让我们怀念古老传说,让爱在星空下闪耀。 七夕节又称“牛郎织女节”,这一天,人们偷听牛郎织女天河夜话。姑娘们则会在夜里向织女许愿乞求心灵手巧,故称“乞巧”。 0:00 Chinese Valentine’s Day Song: “A Fall Night”,七夕,杜牧, 0:20 银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤。 1:00 天阶夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星。 Related to 杜牧 秋夕, 秋夕 (唐)杜牧, 秋夕 杜牧 赏析, 七夕节 2023, 七夕节, 七夕歌, 七夕情人节快乐, 七夕歌曲, 七夕节的故事, 七夕節, 七夕, 七夕情人节歌曲, 七夕情, 七夕与我无关, 七夕晚会, 七夕的歌, 牛郎织女歌. 牛郎织女故事 英文, 牛郎织女传, 七夕花, 七夕银河会, 七夕の歌, 七夕 seven, 七夕雨, 七夕礼物, the most beautiful love story, the most beautiful love story movie, the most beautiful love story ever told, most beautiful love story movie english, love story, love story movie, love story song, love story video, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #QixiFestival #ChineseValentinesDay #七夕节#牛郎织女, #中国情人节#七夕情人節 #春天了 #newpowerart, #春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Monday, August 21, 2023

Flower Fairy,《聊斋志异》故事凄美的《花妖》,聊斋里有多个关于花妖的故事,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了

Flower Fairy,《聊斋志异》故事凄美的《花妖》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了, original musical play,钢琴曲,spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 蒲松龄以自身经历为蓝本,将现实元素融入《聊斋志异》故事中,尽管有人认为作品充满神秘幻境,但似乎透露了蒲松龄的一些情感。这些聊斋小说满足了人们关于人与鬼、情感未了的幻想。 0:00 Flower Fairy,《聊斋志异》故事凄美的《花妖》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了 0:11 I n Qingzhou's land, Meng Yibo sought, A love profound, a dream he caught. 1:00 Evil's clutches held her tight, Peachwood planted, against the night. 1:50 A flower spirit, bound by the sacred decree, Forbidden to wed, a fate she must see. 2:40 Dreams waned, yet he sought a new start, In Wang's village, a new love would impart. Related to ghost story audiobook, ghost story, ghost story song, ghost story movie, ghost story real, ghost story piano, ghost story piano chords, scary story piano music, horror story piano, chinese ghost story piano, ghost stories piano chase, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #花妖 , #牡丹花妖#蒲松龄#聊斋志异#聊斋故事#聊斋#newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day with “Immortals at the Magpie Bridge”,...

Celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day with “Immortals at the Magpie Bridge”, 鹊桥仙,秦观,七夕节, The Most Beautiful Love in the World, original musical play, 钢琴曲, spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 "Embrace the magic of Qixi Festival, the Chinese Valentine's Day. Celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, it's a day of love, romance, and heartfelt connections. Join in honoring the fabled tale of Cowherd and Weaver, Magpie Bridge and hearts unite. 又称中国情人节,每年农历七月初七。传说牛郎织女在这天相会,鹊桥相助。人们赏星、许愿,表达爱情和思念。七夕是浪漫的日子,让我们怀念古老传说,让爱在星空下闪耀。 七夕节又称“牛郎织女节”,这一天,人们偷听牛郎织女天河夜话。姑娘们则会在夜里向织女许愿乞求心灵手巧,故称“乞巧”。 0:00 Celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day with “Immortals at the Magpie Bridge”, 鹊桥仙,秦观,七夕节 0:15 纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度 0:20 :金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。 1:05 柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路。 1:25 两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。 Related to immortals at the magpie bridge poem, immortals at the magpie bridge song, 鹊桥仙 纤云弄巧, 鹊桥仙·纤云弄巧, 鹊桥仙 纤云弄巧 赏析, 鹊桥仙歌曲, 鹊桥仙 纤云弄巧 译文, 鹊桥仙爱情观, 鹊桥仙 纤云弄巧 创作背景, 鹊桥仙 七夕, 鹊桥仙词牌, 鹊桥仙·七夕, 鹊桥仙 纤云弄巧 爱情观, 七夕, 七夕花, 七夕银河会, 七夕の歌, 七夕 seven, 七夕雨, 七夕礼物, the most beautiful love story, the most beautiful love story movie, the most beautiful love story ever told, most beautiful love story movie english, love story, love story movie, love story song, love story video, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #QixiFestival #ChineseValentinesDay #七夕节#牛郎织女, #中国情人节#七夕情人節 #春天了 #newpowerart, #春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Friday, August 18, 2023

The Most Touching Love in the World, “Sleeping Beauty” An Unusual Princ...

The Most Touching Love in the World, “Sleeping Beauty” An Unusual Prince/Once Upon a Dream ,《睡美人》, The Most Beautiful Love in the World, original musical play, 钢琴曲, spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 A Sleeping Beauty story by the Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. There are many variations of Sleeping Beauty An Unusual Prince/Once Upon a Dream (From "Sleeping Beauty") 0:00 The Most Touching Love in the World, “Sleeping Beauty” An Unusual Prince/Once Upon a Dream ,《睡美人》 0:11 In realms of old, where fantasies bloom, Resides Sleeping Beauty, in enchanted gloom, 1:05 Once in a castle, resplendent and bright, A princess was born, her future alight, 1:50 Fairies bestowed blessings, gifts to unfold, Yet one harbored anger, her heart icy and cold, 2:40 Before the sun sets on her sixteenth year's dance, A spindle's sharp prick shall cast a trance, 3:27 Time swept like a river, laughter and song, But the impending curse grew silently strong, 4:19 Into a dream world, she gracefully fell, A castle ensnared by a sorceress' spell, 5:09 Valiant princes attempted to sever the thorns, To awaken the princess, as destiny scorns, 6:00 Then a prince arrived, unwavering and bold, His heart resolute, his spirit untold, 6:50 Beside her he knelt, his lips brushed her own, A kiss filled with love, an affectionate tone, 7:29 This tale of enchantment, of slumber and love, A fable that soars to the heavens above, 8:19 Sleeping Beauty's legend, forever aglow, A story that continues to ebb and to flow, Related to sleeping beauty, sleeping beauty movie, sleeping beauty story, sleeping beauty full movie disney in english, sleeping beauty disney movie, sleeping beauty once upon a dream, sleeping beauty song, sleeping beauty waltz, sleeping beauty maleficent, the sleeping beauty, the sleeping beauty tchaikovsky, the sleeping beauty ballet, the sleeping beauty waltz, the sleeping beauty problem, the sleeping beauty waltz piano, the sleeping beauty story, the sleeping beauty song, the sleeping beauty op. 66 act i waltz, the sleeping beauty trailer, the sleeping beauty suite op. 66a piano, the sleeping beauty tchaikovsky piano, brother grimm fairy tales, brother grimm hansel and gretel, brother grimm horse, brother grimm endings, brother grimm spectaculathon, brother grimm stories, brother grimm cinderella, brother grimm snow white, brother grimm pinocchio, brother grimm recap, 格林童话, 格林童话故事, 格林童话原版, 格林童话故事大全 格林童话睡前故事,, 格林童话英文版, 格林童话剧场, 格林童话故事全集, 格林童话 灰姑娘, 格林童话 糖果屋, 格林童话 中文, 格林童话原版全集 the most beautiful love story, the most beautiful love story movie, the most beautiful love story ever told, most beautiful love story movie english, love story, love story movie, love story song, love story video, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #sleepingbeauty #sleepingbeautycastle#BrothersGrimm, #格林童话#睡美人 #春天了 #newpowerart, #春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Most Beautiful Love in the World, The Lady of the Camellias, Alexand...

茶花女,亚历山大·小仲马,The Lady of the Camellias, Alexandre Dumas fils, La Traviata, The Most Beautiful Love in the World, original musical play, 钢琴曲, spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 《茶花女》是法国作家亚历山大·小仲马创作的长篇小说,也是其代表作,1848年发表。 La Dame aux Camélias (lit. The Lady of the Camellias, sometimes called in English Camille) is a novel by Alexandre Dumas fils. 0:00 The Lady of the Camellias,Alexandre Dumas fils (French),茶花女 0:11 In "The Lady of the Camellias", a tale is spun, Of love's tender moments, under the sun. 1:00 Armand's love, a fire burning strong, Their hearts and souls together belong. 1:50 Through sacrifices made and tears they shed, A story of love's journey, widely spread. 2:40 Amid societal norms and cruel fate, Their love blooms and withers, in a fragile state. 3:27 A narrative of beauty, passion, and grace, Love's eternal essence, in every embrace. Related to alexandre dumas fils, alexandre dumas fils camille, alexandre dumas fils la dame aux camelias, the lady of the camellias audiobook, the lady of the camellias ballet, the lady of the camellias full movie, the lady of the camellias movie, the lady of the camellias summary, the lady of the camellias opera, the lady of the camellias characters, the lady of the camellias alexandre dumas, the lady of the camellias analysis, the lady of the camellias by alexandre dumas fils, la traviata opera, la traviata drinking song, la traviata full opera, la traviata piano, la traviata overture, la traviata giuseppe verdi, la traviata instrumental, la traviata lyrics, la traviata prelude, the most beautiful love story, the most beautiful love story movie, the most beautiful love story ever told, most beautiful love story movie english, love story, love story movie, love story song, love story video, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #heLadyoftheCamellias #LaTraviata#AlexandreDumas #茶花女#小仲马 #春天了 #newpowerart, #春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Monday, August 14, 2023

The Most Beautiful Love in the World, Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra, ...

Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra, The Most Beautiful Love in the World, , 莎士比亚安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉, original musical play, 钢琴曲, spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 William Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries and is widely considered one of the greatest writers in the English language. "Romeo and Juliet" is one of his most famous plays, a tragedy about two young lovers from feuding families who ultimately meet a tragic end. 0:00 Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra, Beautiful love in the world, 安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉 0:11 In ancient days when Egypt's sands did gleam, A love story emerged like a vibrant dream. 1:00 Amidst the pyramids and grandeur bold, Their saga of love and longing would unfold. 1:50 Cleopatra's grace, a captivating art, Ensnared Mark Antony from the very start. 2:40 Intrigue and power, an intricate dance, Yet in each other, they found their true stance. 3:27 Triumvirs' battles and empire's hold, Yet love's fire blazed, fearless and bold. 4:19 But history's wheel did cruelly turn, And the world's demands began to churn. 5:09 On Actium's waters, destiny took its toll, The clash of titans, the heartache of soul. 6:00 In tragic union, they chose love's end, No worldly powers could their hearts amend. 6:35 Cleopatra and Antony, a tale so grand, A love that time could never reprimand. 8:58 Empires may crumble, and years may unfold, But their love story remains a story told. Related to shakespeare antony and cleopatra, shakespeare antony and cleopatra summary, shakespeare antony and cleopatra movie, shakespeare antony and cleopatra analysis, shakespeare antony and cleopatra full text, shakespeare antony and cleopatra text, shakespeare antony speech, shakespeare mark antony speech, william shakespeare antony and cleopatra, shakespeare's character marcus antony, shakespeare play antony and cleopatra, shakespeare mark antony, antony and cleopatra, antony and cleopatra summary, antony and cleopatra movie, antony and cleopatra shakespeare, antony and cleopatra full play, antony and cleopatra audiobook, antony and cleopatra shakespeare summary, antony and cleopatra play, antony and cleopatra shakespeare full play, the most beautiful love story, the most beautiful love story movie, the most beautiful love story ever told, most beautiful love story movie english, william shakespeare biography, william shakespeare poems, william shakespeare story, william shakespeare romeo and juliet, william shakespeare quotes, william shakespeare macbeth, william shakespeare hamlet, william shakespeare sonnet 18, william shakespeare documentary, william shakespeare biography in english, shakespeare in love, shakespeare plays, shakespeare audiobook, shakespeare biography, shakespeare sonnets, love story, love story movie, love story song, love story video, 克莉奥佩特拉, 克莉奥佩特拉七世, 埃及艳后, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #shakespeareplays #Cleopatra#antony,Cleopatra #克莉奥佩特拉#莎士比亚 #莎士比亚戏剧 #春天了 #newpowerart, #春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Romeo and Juliet Song, Beautiful love in the world, Shakespeare Romeo an...

Romeo and Juliet Song, Beautiful love in the world, Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet 莎士比亚罗密欧与朱丽叶歌曲, original musical play,钢琴曲, spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 William Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries and is widely considered one of the greatest writers in the English language. "Romeo and Juliet" is one of his most famous plays, a tragedy about two young lovers from feuding families who ultimately meet a tragic end. 0:00 Romeo and Juliet Song, Beautiful love in the world, 莎士比亚罗密欧与朱丽叶歌曲 0:11 In fair Verona's axis of time, Two souls converged, their love sublime. 1:00 Within the quivering of destiny's thread, Two rival houses, where love dared to tread. 1:50 Romeo, a young man, a poet of the heart, Found Juliet, a masterpiece of art. 2:40 Masquerading secrets in passion's guise, Two hearts entwined beneath starlit skies. 3:27 Through whispered verses and stolen touch, Their love, a river that flowed so much. 4:19 Yet storms brewed on, dark clouds unfurled, A tempest of hatred that swept the world. 5:09 In sorrow's grasp, they made their plea, Romeo exiled, Juliet set free. 6:00 With a vial of poison and a dagger keen, They sought love's refuge, a world unseen. 6:32 Two lives extinguished, yet their love did ignite, A beacon in the darkness, a star in the night. 7:04 So let us remember, their love is so rare, A timeless testament, beyond compare. 7:42 O, seize the parchment where their tale resides, Let your heart unfurl as their love collides. Related to romeo and juliet song, romeo and juliet song lyrics, romeo and juliet song piano, william shakespeare biography, william shakespeare poems, william shakespeare story, william shakespeare romeo and juliet, william shakespeare quotes, william shakespeare macbeth, william shakespeare hamlet, william shakespeare sonnet 18, william shakespeare documentary, william shakespeare biography in english, shakespeare in love, shakespeare plays, shakespeare audiobook, shakespeare biography, shakespeare sonnets, love story, love story movie, love story song, love story video, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #shakespeareplays #romeoandjuliet #莎士比亚 #莎士比亚戏剧 #春天了 #newpowerart, #春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Secret to Succeed in Music - Beautiful Heart and Nature, success is here...

Secret to Succeed in Music - Beautiful Heart and Nature, success is here, 如何做音乐, 如何做音乐, spring impression Ghost story: part 3: 罗刹海市, Love Story in Luocha Kindom and Sea Market. Love Story in Luocha Kingdom, 聊斋志异,蒲松龄, original musical play, 原创钢琴曲 Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 "Luocha Kingdom and Sea Market" is a short story in classical Chinese by Pu Songling, a novelist in the Qing Dynasty. This work mainly tells the story of Ma Ji and the dragon girl Xiao Qiao starring in a story of a gifted scholar and a beautiful lady in the mirage of the ancient Luocha Kindom 0:00 Secret to Succeed in Music. In the world of music games, dreams aflame, let talent soar. 如何做音乐 0:05 Easter Bird Song, original song 0:22 Secret to Succeed in Music. Beautiful Heart and Nature. 如何做音乐 1:47 Easter Bird Song, original song 2:02 罗刹海市, Love Story in Luocha Kindom and Sea Market. Related to how to succeed in music industry, how to succeed in music, how to succeed in music career, how to succeed in musical theatre, how to succeed in music business, how to succeed in business without really trying musical, how to be successful in music, how to be successful in music industry, how to succeed in business without really trying full musical, how to be successful in music career, how to be successful musician, 罗刹海市, 罗刹海市刀郎, 罗刹海市解读, 罗刹海市英文版, 罗刹海市刀郎 mv, 罗刹海市mv, 罗刹海市英文, 罗刹海市刀郎解读, 罗刹海市播放量, 罗刹海市聊斋, 罗刹海市歌词, 罗刹海市国外, 山歌寥哉 山歌寥哉刀郎 山歌寥哉 序曲 山歌寥哉专辑 山歌寥哉 画壁 山歌寥哉 画皮 山歌寥哉歌词 山歌寥哉 珠儿 山歌寥哉 颠倒歌 the raksha country and the sea market, the luocha country and the sea market, the luocha experience, luocha the dead will return, the morcel luocha, luocha the hunt, luocha the traveler and his oath, luo cha hai shi dao lang, luo cha hai shi, luocha haishi, luocha hai city, luocha haishi song, luo cha hai, love story, love story movie, love story song, love story video, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #罗刹海市 , #luocha#蒲松龄#succeedinmusic, #聊斋志异#聊斋故事#聊斋#newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

How to Succeed in Music.In the world of music artful games, dreams afla...

How to Succeed in Music.In the world of music artful games, and dreams aflame, let talent soar。 如何做音乐, spring impression Ghost story: part 3: 罗刹海市, Love Story in Luocha Kindom and Sea Market. Love Story in Luocha Kingdom, 聊斋志异,蒲松龄, original musical play, 原创钢琴曲 Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 "Luocha Kingdom and Sea Market" is a short story in classical Chinese by Pu Songling, a novelist in the Qing Dynasty. This work mainly tells the story of Ma Ji and the dragon girl Xiao Qiao starring in a story of a gifted scholar and a beautiful lady in the mirage of the ancient Luocha Kindom 0:00 罗刹海市,raksha country and the sea market, 0:11 Scholars adorned with talents, lady's fair, Ma Ji and Longnu, a match beyond compare, 1:00 A market of beauty, profit it sought, Judging souls by looks, as time was bought. Related to how to succeed in music industry, how to succeed in music, how to succeed in music career, how to succeed in musical theatre, how to succeed in music business, how to succeed in business without really trying musical, how to be successful in music, how to be successful in music industry, how to succeed in business without really trying full musical, how to be successful in music career, how to be successful musician, 罗刹海市, 罗刹海市刀郎, 罗刹海市解读, 罗刹海市英文版, 罗刹海市刀郎 mv, 罗刹海市mv, 罗刹海市英文, 罗刹海市刀郎解读, 罗刹海市播放量, 罗刹海市聊斋, 罗刹海市歌词, 罗刹海市国外, 山歌寥哉 山歌寥哉刀郎 山歌寥哉 序曲 山歌寥哉专辑 山歌寥哉 画壁 山歌寥哉 画皮 山歌寥哉歌词 山歌寥哉 珠儿 山歌寥哉 颠倒歌 the raksha country and the sea market, the luocha country and the sea market, the luocha experience, luocha the dead will return, the morcel luocha, luocha the hunt, luocha the traveler and his oath, luo cha hai shi dao lang, luo cha hai shi, luocha haishi, luocha hai city, luocha haishi song, luo cha hai, love story, love story movie, love story song, love story video, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #罗刹海市 , #luocha#蒲松龄,#music, #聊斋志异#聊斋故事#聊斋#newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

Monday, August 7, 2023

罗刹海市, Love Story in Luocha Kindom and Sea Market. Love Story in Luocha K...

Ghost story: part 3: 罗刹海市, Love Story in Luocha Kindom and Sea Market. Love Story in Luocha Kingdom, 聊斋志异,蒲松龄, original musical play,钢琴曲, spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 "Luocha Kingdom and Sea Market" is a short story in classical Chinese by Pu Songling, a novelist in the Qing Dynasty. This work mainly tells the story of Ma Ji and the dragon girl Xiao Qiao starring in a story of a gifted scholar and a beautiful lady in the mirage of the ancient Luocha Kindom 0:00 罗刹海市,raksha country and the sea market, 0:11 Scholars adorned with talents, lady's fair, Ma Ji and Longnu, a match beyond compare, 1:00 A market of beauty, profit it sought, Judging souls by looks, as time was bought. 1:50 Dragon Palace's opulence, a realm of might, Symbolizing dominion beneath the heavens' light, 2:40 Fate's voyage's end, to the homeland he returned, Emptiness realized, as heart painfully yearned, 3:31 Homesickness tugs, a love met its end, Human emotion, where the deepest feelings blend, 4:19 "Cherish filial piety," a king's decree, Life's fleeting chapters, as swift as the sea, 5:09 Dragon girl's serenity, a contrast in light, Human frailty, confined to night, 6:00 His parents breathed, while his wife remarried, Pragmatic choices, reality's might, 6:50 In void's embrace, reality takes hold, Choices unfold, as tales of mortals are told, Related to 罗刹海市, 罗刹海市刀郎, 罗刹海市解读, 罗刹海市英文版, 罗刹海市刀郎 mv, 罗刹海市mv, 罗刹海市英文, 罗刹海市刀郎解读, 罗刹海市播放量, 罗刹海市聊斋, 罗刹海市歌词, 罗刹海市国外, 山歌寥哉 山歌寥哉刀郎 山歌寥哉 序曲 山歌寥哉专辑 山歌寥哉 画壁 山歌寥哉 画皮 山歌寥哉歌词 山歌寥哉 珠儿 山歌寥哉 颠倒歌 the raksha country and the sea market, the luocha country and the sea market, the luocha experience, luocha the dead will return, the morcel luocha, luocha the hunt, luocha the traveler and his oath, luo cha hai shi dao lang, luo cha hai shi, luocha haishi, luocha hai city, luocha haishi song, luo cha hai, ghost story audiobook, ghost story, ghost story song, ghost story movie, ghost story real, ghost story piano, ghost story piano chords, scary story piano music, horror story piano, chinese ghost story piano, ghost stories piano chase, love story, love story movie, love story song, love story video, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #罗刹海市 , #luocha#蒲松龄#聊斋志异#聊斋故事#聊斋#newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression