Sunday, August 6, 2023

罗刹海市, Ghost story: Luocha Kindom and Sea Market. Aesthetics in Rakshahai...

🌹Ghost story: Luocha Kindom and Sea Market, Rakshahai City It is a story about: "Luocha Kingdom" a short story in classical Chinese written by Pu Songling, a novelist in the Qing Dynasty. This work mainly tells the story of Ma Ji and the dragon girl Xiao Qiao starring in a story of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies in the mirage of the ancient Rakshasa Kingdom. This section is about: The weirdness of the Raksha Kingdom, since Ma Ji traveled to the Great Raksha Country, a situation that surprised him was placed in front of him. Because, in this country, people are judged by their appearance, beauty and ugliness, and there is a market style of seeking profit by their appearance. Second, when Ma Ji's beauty in China came here, he became "people looking at him on the street, running around and falling, like a monster". On the contrary, in the eyes of the Chinese Ma Ji, the rich and powerful in this country are indeed extremely ugly. The experience of Raksha Kingdom brought Ma Ji's life experience to its peak. The appearance is linked to the value of life, the ugly and the absurd are reversed, one declares that the ideal of life is shattered, and the other declares that the logic of cognition is invalid. In Luocha country, ugly people are pretty. And if anybody like us as a normal human being, then we are treated as ugly. Dream of Red Mansions 红楼梦, formerly known as "The Story of the Stone", is an ancient Chinese chapter-style novel and the first of the four classic Chinese classics. 🌹红楼梦, dream of red mansions Musical Series: 🎉🌹Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Member:

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