Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Girl in Mural,《聊斋志异》之《画壁》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了。learn Chinese Culture from music

Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio,Girl in Mural,《聊斋志异》之《画壁》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了。learn Chinese Culture from music, original musical play,钢琴曲,spring impression Celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day with “Flower Fairy Music”,七夕节, Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 蒲松龄以自身经历为蓝本,将现实元素融入《聊斋志异》故事中,尽管有人认为作品充满神秘幻境,但似乎透露了蒲松龄的一些情感。这些聊斋小说满足了人们关于人与鬼、情感未了的幻想。 孟龙潭和朱举人来到一座寺庙,遇见了一个充满幻觉的境界。在壁画中,朱举人被少女吸引,仿佛置身其中。然而,现实的铁甲战士打破了这一切,迫使他们回到了现实。他们离开时,深感幻觉与现实的微妙界限。 "Embrace the magic of Qixi Festival, the Chinese Valentine's Day. Celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, it's a day of love, romance, and heartfelt connections. Join in honoring the fabled tale of Cowherd and Weaver, Magpie Bridge and hearts unite. 又称中国情人节,每年农历七月初七。传说牛郎织女在这天相会,鹊桥相助。人们赏星、许愿,表达爱情和思念。七夕是浪漫的日子,让我们怀念古老传说,让爱在星空下闪耀。 七夕节又称“牛郎织女节”,这一天,人们偷听牛郎织女天河夜话。姑娘们则会在夜里向织女许愿乞求心灵手巧,故称“乞巧”。 0:00 Girl in Mural,《聊斋志异》之《画壁》,刀郎让蒲松齡又火了 0:11 Meng Longtan and Zhu, scholars with grace, In a temple, they wandered, time's fleeting embrace. 1:05 On murals and statues, their eyes did grace, Captured in beauty, time's intricate lace. 1:50 In a mural's dimension, their souls took chase, Love blossomed freely, in an ephemeral place. 2:40 The maiden concealed him, hurried away, Under the bed's shelter, Zhu held breaths in darkness. 3:30 Meng Longtan queried, where his friend complies, The monk's smile explained, illusions that ties. 4:23 They left the illusion, reality's reprise, Descended with thoughts that would forever comprise. Related to 聊斋志异, 聊斋, 聊斋画壁, 聊斋志异罗刹海市, 聊斋故事, 聊斋3, 聊斋主题曲, 聊斋罗刹海市, 聊斋新编, 聊斋2, 聊斋画壁电影, 聊斋画壁3, 聊斋画壁主题曲, 聊斋画壁片尾曲, 聊斋画壁2023, liao zhai movie, liao zhai, liao zhai zhi yi, liao zhai new compilation, liao zhai fox spirit, liao zhai fox spirit trailer, liao zhai qi nu zi, liao zhai fox, liao zhai song, ghost story audiobook, ghost story, ghost story song, ghost story movie, ghost story real, ghost story piano, ghost story piano chords, scary story piano music, horror story piano, chinese ghost story piano, ghost stories piano chase, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #画壁 , #牡丹花妖#蒲松龄#聊斋志异#聊斋故事#聊斋#newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

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