Monday, August 7, 2023

罗刹海市, Love Story in Luocha Kindom and Sea Market. Love Story in Luocha K...

Ghost story: part 3: 罗刹海市, Love Story in Luocha Kindom and Sea Market. Love Story in Luocha Kingdom, 聊斋志异,蒲松龄, original musical play,钢琴曲, spring impression Composed/performed/ English Poem By Chuntianle 🎉Thank you for the support: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to see more: 🎉Join Membership for perks: 🎉New Power Art Store: ❤Join me on Patreon: 🎉Welcome to buy me the coffee: More NPA Music 🔥 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Musical Series: 🔥dream of red mansions Musical Series:,红楼梦 🔥Famous Piano Pieces Playlist: 🔥Best classical songs playlist: 🔥20 best poems turned into songs: 🔥Chinese Poem Song: 唐诗宋词,古诗词音乐 "Luocha Kingdom and Sea Market" is a short story in classical Chinese by Pu Songling, a novelist in the Qing Dynasty. This work mainly tells the story of Ma Ji and the dragon girl Xiao Qiao starring in a story of a gifted scholar and a beautiful lady in the mirage of the ancient Luocha Kindom 0:00 罗刹海市,raksha country and the sea market, 0:11 Scholars adorned with talents, lady's fair, Ma Ji and Longnu, a match beyond compare, 1:00 A market of beauty, profit it sought, Judging souls by looks, as time was bought. 1:50 Dragon Palace's opulence, a realm of might, Symbolizing dominion beneath the heavens' light, 2:40 Fate's voyage's end, to the homeland he returned, Emptiness realized, as heart painfully yearned, 3:31 Homesickness tugs, a love met its end, Human emotion, where the deepest feelings blend, 4:19 "Cherish filial piety," a king's decree, Life's fleeting chapters, as swift as the sea, 5:09 Dragon girl's serenity, a contrast in light, Human frailty, confined to night, 6:00 His parents breathed, while his wife remarried, Pragmatic choices, reality's might, 6:50 In void's embrace, reality takes hold, Choices unfold, as tales of mortals are told, Related to 罗刹海市, 罗刹海市刀郎, 罗刹海市解读, 罗刹海市英文版, 罗刹海市刀郎 mv, 罗刹海市mv, 罗刹海市英文, 罗刹海市刀郎解读, 罗刹海市播放量, 罗刹海市聊斋, 罗刹海市歌词, 罗刹海市国外, 山歌寥哉 山歌寥哉刀郎 山歌寥哉 序曲 山歌寥哉专辑 山歌寥哉 画壁 山歌寥哉 画皮 山歌寥哉歌词 山歌寥哉 珠儿 山歌寥哉 颠倒歌 the raksha country and the sea market, the luocha country and the sea market, the luocha experience, luocha the dead will return, the morcel luocha, luocha the hunt, luocha the traveler and his oath, luo cha hai shi dao lang, luo cha hai shi, luocha haishi, luocha hai city, luocha haishi song, luo cha hai, ghost story audiobook, ghost story, ghost story song, ghost story movie, ghost story real, ghost story piano, ghost story piano chords, scary story piano music, horror story piano, chinese ghost story piano, ghost stories piano chase, love story, love story movie, love story song, love story video, 春天音乐, 春天的音乐,春天音乐节,春天钢琴 即兴钢琴, 原创音乐 春天了印象派, 春天来了 Copyright © 2023 chuntianle. All rights reserved. #罗刹海市 , #luocha#蒲松龄#聊斋志异#聊斋故事#聊斋#newpowerart#春天了#chuntianle, #springimpression

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